Kishan Bagaria

Results 23 comments of Kishan Bagaria

I suspect it's because of macOS 10.12. I didn't see the dialog in the few 10.13 computers I tested this on. But it could still be something else. 1. Is...

As a user, I'd want: 1. no crashes 2. complete Node.js drop-in replacement 3. complete npm/yarn install replacement 2 > 3 since user experience > developer experience. 2 excites me...

@miniak can you say more about how the change should be implemented?

Here's how yarn does it:

It should be easy to repro in theory but the feedback loop will be slow. A possible repro should be to keep a gramjs script running at all times which...

looks like it's not fully identical to npm behavior (i've to use `\"` instead of just `"`): (this is fish)

I think not caching in the library is ideal and the simplest. Most consumers of this lib are aware `getAllContacts` is expensive and should be memoizing already. In our case,...

You can print the entitlements of a packaged app with `codesign -d --entitlements :- /Applications/ | plutil -p -`, does it show up there?

We use electron-builder too. `NSContactsUsageDescription` isn't an entitlement, it'll be present in `Info.plist`. `` should be present in the codesign command I mentioned earlier. Try setting `"entitlements": "./build/electron/entitlements.mac.plist"` for `mac`...