I do not use a code formatter. I do it all by hand, for better or worse.
This has consistently been one of the major points of confusion with the calculator. Describing the behavior in the FAQ and the tooltip hasn't eliminated it. The solution I've had...
While this is correct for 0.17, it is not correct for 0.16, which remains the current stable version, as well as the calculator's default dataset. It would be possible to...
I recently put together [a calculator for the game Satisfactory](, in large part as a case study in redesigning the calculator both in ES6 and to make heavy use of...
It isn't quite that simple. The most naive way of calculating the total number of beacons is to take the number of beaconed modules set in the calculator's spec, divide...
Doesn't it already display the belt counts on the factory tab? Or are you thinking of rate displays in some other place? If you want belt counts in the visualization,...
I've been analyzing the Bob's recipe graph, in the interests of improving the algorithm that extracts the subgraphs for which linear programs are necessary. (The algorithm currently in the calculator...
This calculator is, of course, limited to using whichever predefined datasets I make available for it. My current work is aimed at adding support for Bob's Mods, and when that...
The primary issue, which I recently had a breakthrough with, is replacing the algorithm that extracts the subgraphs for which a simple graph traversal cannot produce a solution; or, in...
4998dd38d44fc1414c0ded2e8d283e4f34828b27 adds the new subgraph-detection algorithm. All I will guarantee right now is that it produces the same output as the old one when applied to the vanilla recipe graph....