As I described , there are too many icons in the title, So I hope you could add this function?
Hello, I use bootloader + application in my stm32l476rg, so 120KB was used for bootloader, and the reset used for application. At last, I changed 2 places: 1. Modified the...
我这里所说的超时既不是T35也不是T15,而是从机超时应答的等待时间,可以看到协议栈中有两个这样的参数,不是很理解这两个参数的区别?比如说 读保持寄存器函数 `eMBMasterReqErrCode eMBMasterReqWriteHoldingRegister( UCHAR ucSndAddr, USHORT usRegAddr, USHORT usRegData, LONG lTimeOut );` 这里最后一个设置为 RT_WAITING_FOEVER,经常会接收错误,但是如果我修改了宏定义中的freemodbus/modbus/include/mbconfig.h中的 `/*! \brief If master send a frame which is not broadcast,the master will wait sometime...