you refer this question to the corresponding mod, the AUNIS developer will not solve this problem
and I’ll tell you two that EMC can be registered in configs in the corresponding mod
> say. how can i do this if it is possible? projecte has special console commands and configs where you can set any EMC value to any items
I will add that the sound is played when the call is pressed after dialing the address
I will complement, this sound is played when dialing 9 chevrons
Stargate Universe - Chevron 9
mod in size 24 megabytes but why 1 gigabyte of video memory is not enough for textures that are much smaller?
I suggest adding textures with a resolution of 550x550 and optionally in the config do not touch the number of frames this will solve the problem of weak computers and...
increase the default range by a distance of 30,000 blocks and I find such a large range useful to explore the world with large biomes those stargates which on the...
> я бы тебе посоветовал добавить перевод на английский так как разраб русский не знает и будет переводить через гугл и что в итоге произойдет с твоим текстом никто не...