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Mavlink protocol initialization error
I'm facing issues with both Ghettostation and Ghettoproxy to initiate the Mavlink data stream in active mode. In a nutshell neither GS nor GP initiate the date stream when set to active. As a result I have to use GP in listening mode in parallel with e.g. minimosd on the UAV or initate the mavlink stream for mavlink direct telemetry to GS by first connecting mission planner or AndroidPlanner from the ground to the UAV before GS can listen into the stream and receive the relevant location data.
I tried to compare the GS and GP Mavlink code with minimosd extra code but was unable to spot where the problem might occur.
Thanks !
(Better joining late than never)
Idefix, i can confirm the same issues in use with MultiWii AND direct connection of GPS (UBX protocol). I tried with and without GP, same results. So this problem is not just Mavlink related. However I noticed the correct coordinates are sent to GS once (or twice) immediately after booting the MWC/GPS. After a few seconds the datastream seizes and ''no telemetry'' is displayed. I can only keep the data flow active by installing a (parallel) minimOSD/active BT module. The moment I disconnect the BT connection (from phone/pc) the data stream stops.
I would think GP could easily be programmed to keep the datastream 'awake', as a parallel minimOSD/ BT module does. Unfortunately I know very little about programming, so I'll just have to use a redundant minimOSD for the job.