this is a bug in godot:
You can use unpackUnorm4x8(floatBitsToUint(f)) and uintBitsToFloat(packUnorm4x8(rgba)) to cast between R32F and RGBA8. The data in Image.get_data() exact match, so you can directly use data.to_float32_array() to get the float data used...
use this for contextMenuBuilder is enough: ``` contextMenuBuilder: (_, state) => AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.buttonItems( anchors: state.contextMenuAnchors, buttonItems: state.contextMenuButtonItems), ```
Because the completed object is set before the process, so we cannot show processed info on complete. eg. we downloaded a json from server then show some data in json...
I add a delay to call the maximize method: ```dart Future.delayed(Durations.long4, () { if (Settings.maximize.val) windowManager.maximize(); }); ```
I have same problem, but I found that when I resize the window it restore normal.