Nosakhare Belvi
Nosakhare Belvi
@benju69 thanks for the suggestion. Kotlin support will be gradually added.
has this issue been fixed yet ?
Sure @feludens Looking at incorporating other form of card scanning implementation. Currently considering using Google's mobile vision api. This will part of this next update. Thanks for pointing this out.
sure. Over the weekend
Hello Lisa, There is currently no support for home/work numbers. Just support for mobile phone numbers these countries . While I work on updating that list, we can work on...
@darkkillen what version of the library are you using. Kindly confirm if it is `2.0.3`
sure, will do that and push an update. Meanwhile, you can pull the library , do a quick fix and add to as a lib module
@oumardiarra you can achieve this by ```java barcodeCapture.setTouchAsCallback(false); ```
@oumardiarra don't forget to call : ```java barcodeCapture.refresh(true); ``` call that method after changing any of the barcode preferences to make sure changes is reflected. Let me know if this...
@oumardiarra update your dependency to : `compile 'xyz.belvi.mobilevision:barcodescanner:2.0.3'` // forceUpdate can be true or false Also, call `barcodeCapture.refresh(forceUpdate);` only after changing the barcode properties.