Jun Zhang
Jun Zhang
I got same issue. It's working with local janus server, not working at remote janus server. 05-29 22:48:58.801 12909-12909/computician.janusclient D/ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1 05-29 22:48:59.001 12909-13517/computician.janusclient D/JANUSCLIENT: Recv: { "janus":...
@Computician Thanks for your help. Yes, I got remote video stream when I am add a ICE server. Change the code from: ``` @Override public List getIceServers() { return new...
Thank you for quick response. I am using the Atmel AWS IoT Zero Touch python script to parse a certficate. The certificate notBefore is DATEFMT_RFC5280_UTC format. If I set notAfter...