- Adding IzzyOnDroid Badge. - Add available version on IzzyOnDroid shield. [Edit] It's usefull for devices without play store and depend on external stores like f-droid
- Hides back button on loading layout. - Hides back button on TV player. - Centers the title & resolution on TV.
- Season number support to NextAiring of MainApi (not sure about back compatibility). - Fix next air text in TV Layout.
- Account login support, which solves the rate limit issue. - Hearing impaired indicator.
- Fixes Title alignment in case of RTL languages. - Adds "Restart" & "Next Episode" in top controls bar. - Removes the "Next Episode" button under progress seekbar. - Changes...
There was a PR already opened for this but I can't find it so I have read about it and here is a new PR. You're free to close it...