Hi! I got a strange exception trying to connect s3 client to local minio. ``` software.amazon.awssdk.core.exception.SdkClientException: Unable to marshall request to JSON: baseUri must not be null. at software.amazon.awssdk.core.exception.SdkClientException$BuilderImpl.build(SdkClientException.java:98) ~[software.amazon.awssdk.sdk-core-2.17.61.jar:?]...
Hi! I have a quite big OASv3 yaml file and was trying out guardrail to generate http4s server. ``` plugins.sbt ... addSbtPlugin("dev.guardrail" % "sbt-guardrail" % "0.75.0") ``` ``` build.sbt ......
Hi! First PR here 😅 I noticed that `--compile` option used in `poetry install` is not utilized in venv bundler. In this PR I added a passthrough of the flag...
Hi! I have a specific use case and I am wondering if this is a right tool to use. I have an Airflow instance which uses docker images to run...
Need to do an analysis on internal SparkML methods to decide if it's ok to call `LocalTransformer.transform` from multiple threads