Voern Kimsoer
Voern Kimsoer
Noted with thanks @ferrarafer
Thank for response my message , The steps are : 1.Open as Expanded = false it will show one week 2.Press arrow to previous week 3.Click selected on 02- sept-2022...
I don't use object, I just use normal with key and value . and now i get that error too.
Thank you so much @ferrarafer , I used to try it already like your mention, what my problem is not the cycle because the real time data is trigger and...
@ferrarafer this case, i want to have loading, and rebuildUi(), I am not sure , is it wrong way?
###View Model ``` import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:custom_pop_up_menu/custom_pop_up_menu.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/enums/local_storage.dart'; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/extension/extension.dart'; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/models/requests/order_request.dart'; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/models/responses/group_channel_product_entity.dart'; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/models/responses/group_product_detail_response_entity.dart'; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/models/responses/group_products_response.dart'; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/models/responses/receipt_data_response_entity.dart' as dataPrint; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/models/responses/table_order_detail_entity.dart'; import 'package:kds_flutter/core/models/responses/table_orders_response_entity.dart'; import...
Still not resloved with Stacked but I try other state management , it working fine, I am not sure why.
Can you give me your example?