Kieran Harper
Kieran Harper
Added an optional closure parameter that can be invoked when the user wants to open the cocoapods URL, rather than using UIApplication. This is needed in situations where the view...
Couple of things here: 1. Added an optional folder for storing things that aren't part of the copy-paste template unless you opt into them via the prompts. 1. Added a...
Hi John, I think this project is great and I'm looking at things that would take even more steps away from the average developer's initial workflow. This is a TravisCI...
Noticed when trying to use the sample code example to define a type from a schema: ```ts const schema = Joi.array() .items({ id: Joi.number().integer().required(), email: Joi.string().email() }) .required() type T...
If you decide not to pull all the way down, letting go doesn't put it back up where it's supposed to go. Only happens if you've done a refresh already,...