
Results 7 comments of Kibubu

You are completely right, site works and looks good, I am an idiot. The captcha was not loading on my end and so nothing was working.

So, should there be another solution that changes only those file created by the task an not those copied in for example?

You are correct, this example is rather fabricated, but since I guess [he]( and myself stumbled upon it there might be more people involved. Most will probably just `sudo rm`...

Well I guess I'll close the PR but would leave the Issue open for further discussions. Providing runOptions won't solve the demonstrated problem. The script should show the same behavior...

I was unaware of the `optional` keyword. This might be a solid workaround. But I would have exacted `val FOO from FOO.ifEmpty('')` to be equivalent to `env FOO from FOO.ifEmpty('')`...

I messed, totally forget that this PR was still open and deleted my fork, since I was to lazy to resolve merge conflicts. Let's see what happens if I press...

Had the same issue on Manjaro with Heimdall 1.4.2 Added the proposed fix `SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="685d", MODE="0666", ATTR{power/control}="on"` to `/lib/udev/rules.d/60-heimdall.rules` Success