this doesn't quite follow the naming convention, also, im not sure if this should go in this repo since hiro is holding the book? i dont really care but theres...
the best way to do this would probably with be some sort of tagging like a booru
A more robust file naming convention might also be in order (i.e `Name_Name-Book_Book`), but that might be a pain
> why is it a pain because then we have to rename all of them lol > write a script there's no regularity to the amount of words a characters...
huh? did you use the wrong commit? this is all web viewer stuff @VoidNakamura also the version hdk5 suggested is a but cleaner
no i didnt close any of these i havent been active in a while, very strange
separation of languages, frameworks, and runtimes is somewhat arbitrary at the moment, oh, there is a nodejs folder, but its pretty small, if anything I would be inclined to move...