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A HTTP Cache for Guzzle 6. It's a simple Middleware to be added in the HandlerStack.

Results 33 guzzle-cache-middleware issues
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I was bitten by this several times already. You have a running application in production heavily relying on cached data. You upgrade a PHP dependency like going from `3.5.0` to...

Two cache entries are created when the response has vary headers. But when you call delete, only the entry without the vary headers in the cache key is deleted. When...


A proposed fix for

Hello `CacheEntry::__sleep` mutates response body to a `PumpStream` which is read once; if you try to re-read the response body you'll get an empty string. I guess the current implementation...

By default cache return `null` if key is not present. The current implementation will cause the following error notice: `PHP Deprecated: unserialize(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($data) of type...

I have my caching set up as such which works as expected: ``` $stack->push( new CacheMiddleware( new PrivateCacheStrategy( new LaravelCacheStorage( \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::store('redis') ) ) ), 'cache' ); ``` The one issue...

I'm defining a `DelegatingCacheStrategy`, and I'm using a simple config to define which endpoint should be cached: ```php $cache_config = [ 'get' => [ 'agreements' ], ]; $cache = new...

Hello, I am having hard time trying to grasp the logic of accessing cached data. Can you point me in the right direction what to do after file gets created?...