Any progress on this? I'd very much like to give my effort but sadly I don't really write python well
This issue still occurs with lwjgl nfd module, the libfreetype version is 2.13.2-1
而且用contains判断的话是不是会有办法绕开( 比如 `` 这样
相关issue #7987
考虑到Telegram Bot使用的普遍性,确实可以再封装一层更方便使用。但似乎不适合作为maa本身的功能,如有必要可以另开一个repo
并没有很多情况能直接替换的吧,比如技能的使用上的差别。 作业上也可以用干员组标出可以替换的干员
似乎可以在多次识别错误后判断一下当前activity? `adb shell "dumpsys activity activities | grep mResumedActivity"`
I'm currently trying to directly use GTK layer shell for my purpose and it would be nice if this could be implemented with hypewinwrap