Marc-Antoine Perennou

Results 27 issues of Marc-Antoine Perennou



I think the steps will be: - Comment out all clipboard/clipboards-manager/gdkatom stuff (yes, this will break the linkage). - Make the rest build properly - Uncomment gradually what has been...

When it's not the case, really weird things could happen.


This way we can persist passwords too.


From the release notes of libfuse 2.9.9: ``` Note: This is a maintenance release from the 2.9 branch of libfuse. Users are encouraged to transition to the actively developed libfuse...


From the release notes of libfuse 2.9.9: ``` Note: This is a maintenance release from the 2.9 branch of libfuse. Users are encouraged to transition to the actively developed libfuse...

Now that we have the topology API, here are the steps required towards automatic reconnection: - [x] add an `Option` to the wrapped `basic_consume`, set it to None from the...

**Describe the bug** No matter how print-camera-list is invoked, it will segfault. **Name the camera** No camera involved **libgphoto2 and gphoto2 version** 2.5.29 **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior:...