Hello, I've been using bepu for a few years now. However I recently have had to diagnose an issue in my project, so I looked to reproduce it in the...
Here's a link to a zip file with some glitchy gifs:,/zPtG0/PKMN_645_F_S.gif,/tTQyg/PKMN_645_F.gif,/bHWSo/PKMN_38_B.gif,/15qxmq/PKMN_101_B.gif,/jDjhL/PKMN_641_F.gif,/uTyJc/PKMN_642_F.gif,/jZUCp/PKMN_605_F.gif,/vjTAe/PKMN_606_F.gif,/bQW0W/PKMN_602_F.gif,/Czceg/ There are a lot, so I did not add too many, but they all appear to be the...
If a MIDI track has no program change events, it is intended to be played with instrument 0. In the M4A engine, until a track reaches a program change event,...
Hello, I am having some issue that seems simple but I really cannot find any way to do it: I have a list of `MyEnum` values, I have them in...