MLSS Song 51 can cause a success but have null events.
The timer that's used will only accept int milliseconds, so for example, with RefreshRate=60, we must wait 16.66~ milliseconds per frame, and the timer cannot do that, so it'll refresh...
The 14th event is a "LoopStart (26)" command and the 17th event is a "Jump" command back into the 14th event. Loading never stops because the call stack is above...
Currently the only exception that will be handled is when you try to create the file with the specified name and it fails. If you run out of disk space...
Easy: Have a numerical with the number of loops to use (default to the global config number) Hard: Estimate file size and prevent exporting if the space required is not...
In NDSMusicStudio, it works because channels are removed then nullified, and created then added In GBAMusicStudio there is some place that channels are nullified then removed, which means the UI...
When loading events, the program will stop scanning once a loop or finish is detected. However, to dump midis that match the source midi used in development of the game,...
When the rand seed is 189955040, the song is changed to an alternate form. The top two tracks are silent because their note is of 0 length, but it should...