Christopher Mitchell, Ph.D.

Results 9 issues of Christopher Mitchell, Ph.D.

While building racket, I encounter the following issue, on several different machine in Google Cloud, on release commits from 6.9 up to and including 6.12. Notably, I can use wget...

I noticed the following while dynamically loading some GLTF models: * Models loaded: 14 * Total primitives in the Scene: 78. Each consists of simple shapes, in some cases an...


What it says on the tin. If an input COLLADA file has a PNG image with transparency as a texture, the `alphaMode` property of the resulting GLTF texture is not...

Make it easier for new users to figure out which of the example(s) they want to experiment with.


I'm looking to patch in support for fetching orthoimagery along with the landcover and elevation data, and use the data from landcover + orthoimagery combined to pick the blocks to...

(Not a duplicate of #1517, which discusses in-game /worldborder usage). An automated script that periodically refreshes the mining world on my server needs to be able to set the center...

Type: Idea
State: Open to PR

I figured out by trial and error that the alternative to trying to create one's own materials to retain shaders is to add the ShaderRetention scene to a build, but...

Pretty much what it says on the tin. As of a version from around March 2018, models were properly loaded with the transform offset from the loaded GLTF's (0, 0,...

I have been working on manually gluing an in-memory COLLADAFramework representation of a COLLADA file together with the COLLADAStreamWriter system to generate a complete DAE file from a COLLADAFramework representation....