I have almost the same problem, except that in my case clicking the Accounts icon does nothing, and hovering over it shows me a "You are not signed into any...
> Ok, what are the scopes given to the token? > > With `read:user, repo, user:email, workflow`, the extension is connecting with any issues.... I finally got a chance to...
> Now "description" field is not localized. There is no specification how to define localized description in MANIFEST. Does anyone have idea how to realize it? That might be a...
A more general comment: this looks much better than the current plugin UI. One question, though. How is the initial order of the plugins shown determined? It seems completely random,...
I've found time to test the plugin installation from disk in both the current `master` branch and this one, using the same ODT Review plugin as Jean-Christophe . For reference,...
I'll try to test this latest version and propose updated messages in the next day or two.
I had a little time to test the latest version of this branch. This is the dialog I see now:  It no longer looks like an error message, but...
@miurahr Thanks for working on this some more. I'll try to test it sometime this week. (Vacation is over, and I expect to be busy in the first few days...
I have finally been able to test the latest version of this branch. The code seems to work as intended now. If I install a new plugin, I get the...
Replying to myself as I start to work on the messages themselves... > Question: Would it be possible to show different messages when the already installed plugin and the plugin...