Kan Zhang
Kan Zhang
Closes: #??? ## Description Add reward hashes for he last 3 weeks ______ For contributor use: - [ ] Targeted PR against `master` branch - [ ] Linked to Github...
### Issue To Be Solved Currently, when calling `flow blocks get`, we see the block, but nothing about it's status (i.e. finalized, executed, or sealed). It would be nice to...
### Issue To Be Solved There are currently some simple transactions that still require the user to provide the transaction CDC file, such as transfering flow. It'd be much more...
UUID generation is a blocker for parallel execution (backed by a global register).
Fee deduction is a blocker for parallel execution (every Tx needs to update the same register).
Works towards: https://github.com/onflow/flow/issues/392 ## Description One possible solution for #392 ______ For contributor use: - [x] Targeted PR against `master` branch - [x] Linked to Github issue with discussion and...
### Issue To Be Solved Currently, when we query against the execution state (GetAccountAtLatestBlock, ExecuteScriptAtLatestBlock) we do so assuming we always want the latest Sealed block, but we want this...
### Issue To Be Solved The `transactions build` command doesn't seem to provide an option to select the block height in which to use as the reference block height. While...