Currently "zstd --list" iterates all compressed blocks, which makes it super slow when lseek(2) is expensive, e.g., on a network filesystem. Can zstd store uncompressed file size directly like xz,...
Setting to other log levels do work. Only level=2 (the default) is broken. This breaks things like GNU parallel. Removing the following line make it work again: ``` diff -pru...
Using the zstd command (version 1.5.1) to compress a file, and the compressed file does not have the same owner:group as that of the input file. File permissions are consistent,...
Hello, In a use case where fast_ino is set to 1, wrong entries are found in some of the union directories. "/data-old" and "/data-new" are two independent nfs3 filesystems. Two...
Permit multiple input files on the command line in order to avoid traversing $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH each time a new accelsearch starts. Those who reduce pulsar short observations on large...