Katie Fritz

Results 13 comments of Katie Fritz

I haven't done a plugin before, but I'm happy to help test if someone else can take on the PHP aspects.

@engram-design Are you working on this? Or is anyone else? So sad there's not a Craft 3 alternative yet!

@shornuk Thanks! Looking into it. I'll see if it works for my client.

@kevva Thanks for responding! I don't have any empty files in `source.templates`. Here's my folder structure: ![source-templates](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7085184/26268771/de05e0b6-3cbe-11e7-9112-2b1117addb80.PNG)

I'm running into a related problem (on 2.0.0-rc.1) where if you have a URL field and change it to "no link", it deletes the URL but not the custom text....

@alexstojda Have you made any progress on this? I'd be interested in working on it with you - I'm a Windows user too and I'd really like to use these...

@alexstojda I got things working using cygwin. I'll try to write something up eventually, but in the meantime, let me know if you want any troubleshooting help.

@onebrightlight Oh boy. 😆 Okay, here's what I did, minus the going in circles: 1. [Find out cygwin exists](http://78.media.tumblr.com/bb11a3f6d420cfd54af86e281ada4616/tumblr_nels64g9mG1s48ibpo1_500.gif). 2. Install the [latest version of cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com/install.html). I followed [this tutorial](https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/41382/how-to-use-linux-commands-in-windows-with-cygwin/)....

PS - when uploading `.env.sh` to the server, be sure to convert to Unix style line endings. 😬