Thanks @JVickery-TBS , I will review! I think Ian Ward has had a similar issue and got around it by disabling xloader's normal loading (https://github.com/open-data/ckanext-xloader/blob/567584b1fbb82987da662e6fde8fa4054d204abf/ckanext/xloader/plugin.py#L110-L112) and then specifying in ckanext-validation...
Update: I have wrapped the `resource_delete` in a [try](https://github.com/KatiRG/ckanext-validation/blob/bug_94/ckanext/validation/logic.py#L689) and this seems to have taken care of the original bug reported in this issue and the extra issue of invalid,...
@bpeXX @kowh-ai I am having the same issue on CKAN 2.9.7 left a comment in issue page: https://github.com/ckan/ckan/issues/6713#issuecomment-1507271171
What do you think about which field types to support? Postgres supports numeric array types such as e.g. integer array `integer[]`, but [frictionless](https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/table-schema/#types-and-formats) does not. So far in the `column_types.py`...
What is the status of this PR? I have checked out this code and ran it on my ckan 2.9/python 3 setup with xloader, and I get two errors in...
Excellent, thank you! I was running xloader 0.8.0 (installed with pip--[don't do this](https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-xloader/issues/147)!) instead of 0.9.0 (installed with git clone instead). For the ResourceUpload error, I discovered that in [cloudstorage/utils.py...
@smotornyuk Are you by any chance using Azure blob storage? I found a bug with the way the URL is obtained in the libcloud driver which ended up causing xloader...
Hi @TkTech , what is the status of this PR and the `py3-fixes` branch which is now gone? I am using the code and wonder how to continue. Thanks!
> No, but I'll subscribe to the issues in the libcloud repo and, when it gets fixed, will update the required version of `apache-libcloud` to the one with the fix([the...
There is one additional change needed for ckan 2.9: swap out this pylons import with ckantoolkit in both `cloudstorage/logic/action/multipart.py` and `cloudstorage/storage.py`: ``` - from pylons import config + from ckantoolkit...