Regarding Richmond sensors: * sensor RM_YO at Richmond and Yonge is currently listed at 43.6519, -79.379295 but should be updated to 43.651478, -79.37895: same intersection but across the street and...
There are two sensors with BT Unit # 5272 in our table: * 5272 at Castlefield and Yonge: **matches location of sensor 5799 in JJ's table within ~35 m** *...
There are two sensors with BT Unit #5619, located at: * `Intersection` = "Sheppard and Rouge River": **this one matches JJ's table** * `Intersection` = "Yonge and Glengrove": this one...
@aharpalaniTO Sensor `DU_BV` at Dundas and Broadview (BT Unit # 5620) is listed in JJ's table with coordinates `57.06506, 10.132702`, which locates to a building in Vester Hassing, Denmark. Are...
Ready for review by @aharpalaniTO (see email)
WYS Sign `13780` is incorrectly listed in `wys.wys_stat_signs_speed_limit` at address `56 Stilecroft Drive` facing`EB` traffic, but according to Google street view, it is across the street from `29 Stilecroft Drive`...
WYS Sign `9782` at `18 Washburn Way` is incorrectly listed in `wys.wys_stat_signs_speed_limit` as detecting `SB` traffic, but according to Google street view it is measuring `NB` traffic and is across...
`SELECT COUNT(1) = 0 FROM wys.mobile_sign_installations_dupes;` returns `true` so I tried using [SQLCheckOperator](https://airflow.readthedocs.io/en/1.10.12/_modules/airflow/operators/sql.html) which is supposed to raise an error message if `False`. But this dag returns an error message...
@aharpalaniTO Roncesvalles and Gardiner latitude fixed
Hi, has this issue been resolved? We are experiencing the same problem and we're not sure if there is a bug in ckan 2.9 to connect to a remote postgres...