Kate Friedman
Kate Friedman
# Description Updates for the upstream dependency upgrade to obsproc/v1.2. Version numbers are increased and release notes are created. Implemented into operations May 22nd during the 12z cycle. Refs #2291...
### What new functionality do you need? Update to `obsproc.v1.2` when it is introduced in operations. Also make related GSI change to turn GMI back on. ### What are the...
### Description Remove the WAFS (formerly EMC_gfs_wafs) from the GFS, it will now be a standalone system in operations. WAFS issue: https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WAFS/issues/23 ### Target version v16.3.21 (TBD) ### Expected workflow...
Bugzilla [#1368](http://www2.spa.ncep.noaa.gov/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1368) Details from NCO in bugzilla: ``` Please add the restart capability for GFS atmos gfs_atmos_postsnd job. referred to the "NCEP Central Operations WCOSS Implementation Standards, version 11.0.0", page...
Bugzilla [#1227](http://www2.spa.ncep.noaa.gov/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1227) Details in bugzilla from NCO: ``` In the gfs wave scripts, the setting for COMIN path for rtofs is kind of confusing: In jobs/JGLOBAL_WAVE_PREP export COMIN_WAV_RTOFS=${COMIN_WAV_RTOFS:-$(compath.py ${WAVECUR_DID}/prod)} However...
### Description The annual update to CO2 fix files, as well as updates to storm names for the 2025, 2026, and 2027 hurricane seasons. Updated fix files will be provided...
### What is wrong? Bugzilla [1373](http://www2.spa.ncep.noaa.gov/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1373) From bugzilla text from SPA Carlos Diaz: ``` In gfs_atmos_analysis, if the current gfs.t$CCz.snogrb_t1534.3072.1536 (from the gfs_atmos_emcsfc_sfc_prep job) is missing, the task proceeds normally...
### What new functionality do you need? All jobs on WCOSS2 should have a setting for either shared or exclusive. An upcoming enforced requirement on WCOSS2 will need every job...
### Description NCO/SPA Justin Cooke is opening several bugzillas related to updated needed to the GLDAS job in operations. This came out of recent issues in operations related to missing...
### Target fix directory am ### Type of change Cleanup and reorganization ### Any workflow changes needed? Fix version only ### Related issues https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/global-workflow/issues/2403