The fix ended up being extremely simple. https://github.com/Karrandalf/D2SpaceModifier A One Hotkey Fix: ~*Space::ControlSend, , {LWin Down}, Dota 2 *Space Up::Send {LWin Up}
For those out of the loop, we have a simple, single AutoHotKey solution now. This is all it takes: ~*Space::ControlSend, , {LWin Down}, Dota 2 *Space Up::Send {LWin Up} https://github.com/Karrandalf/D2SpaceModifier
The AutoHotKey solution has been simplified down to a single hotkey rather than a script: ~*Space::ControlSend, , {LWin Down}, Dota 2 *Space Up::Send {LWin Up} https://github.com/Karrandalf/D2SpaceModifier