Karolis Labrencis
Karolis Labrencis
Awesome! This looks exactly what we need: we're serving our SPA from the same domain as our API. Would you accept a PR if I implemented the following logic: If...
Non-API URLs return HTTP 307 so browser follows them when it does AJAX requests. It might be ok to return HTTP 302 in all cases (API and non-API), but we...
So what do you think about this approach? I've got another idea that we might return `302 Found` for APIs only if client sent some specific header. This way we...
I think SPA could do either of those, it is up to SPA to decide. In my case, I'd prefer if I could just open a new window, make user...
In my case, there isn't. In most cases I can think of, the backend should use `303 See Other` or `307 Temporary Redirect` instead of 302.
> If you want to have a go at it, create a PR that removes the special response handling of API types, and both API and normal clients get the...
Thanks! I hope to start next week, since this one is quite busy for me. Regarding SPA, I've found one which, with a bit of modifications, might be good/simple enough...
I think that `hostname -f` works on both BSD (at least on Darwin) and Linux. Wouldn't that work?