Karol Mazurek

Results 3 issues of Karol Mazurek

It looks like it doesn't read fingreprtints.json - but why ? `go version go1.17.1 linux/amd64` Installed with: `go install github.com/haccer/subjack@latest` ``` subjack -w live.txt -t 20 -timeout 30 -o subjack1.txt...

It would be very nice if you add SOCKS5 proxy support. For example: ``` rustscan --proxies rustscan --proxies socks5:// scanme.nmap.org ``` or ``` rustscan --proxies rustscan --proxies sox.txt scanme.nmap.org content...

Hello! There is a small bug in `-header` option. It is not accepting cookie string without `;` sign at the end. Please, could you handle cookies without final `;` aswell?...