
Results 15 issues of Kariton

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I would like to replace online `jinja2` templating tools with CyberChef. An useful example is https://j2live.ttl255.com/ - i rely on...


### Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Deploy template fails with ``no test named 'boolean'`` ```yml TASK [nginxinc.nginx_core.nginx_config : Dynamically generate NGINX HTTP...


- fix cross install for build - fix freebsd build - fix automated binary release - add RC service example (OPNsense) to README.MD ~I have no clue how GitHub actions...

This is a PoC of my iss-telemetry Prometheus exporter. [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io) is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit. It collects metrics from various sources, stores them, and allows users to query...

##### SUMMARY Hello, I am currently facing some challenges with my oVirt deployment and would appreciate your assistance. Last week, on Thursday, I successfully deployed oVirt 4.5.4 using the self-hosted...


Hey ho, i upgraded all dashboard panels to react and added: - "bandwidth stats" to the OPNsense Dashboard; `Internet Speed File Download` needs to be enabled on `Telegraf -> Input`...

Hey, because the current implementation of `storage.read()` or `storage.save()` do not work well when they run simultaneously i added the `storage.smembers()` and `storage.sadd()` capabilities from redis to the `RedisStorage` and...

Hey, when creating a command class the examples (and the code) define `self.describe()`. https://github.com/filipre/signalbot/blob/33d0f3106be7f39cee6aff5e3c29a01dc81f90c2/signalbot/command.py#L35-L37 what is the use of this additional infromation? i was not able do figure out where...

It is possible to react to messages from someone else when the bot gets triggerd: ``await ctx.react(emoji=command_react)`` But cat the bot add a reaction to its own message after sending...

How can I identify previous messages? I don't mean send prior the "the bot being online". I see that a `reaction` results in this: ``ctx.message.raw_message.envelope.dataMessage.reaction`` ```json { "emoji": "\ud83d\udc4d", "targetAuthor":...