
Results 5 comments of Kosumi

You may try rehype-toc. By the way, I'm a frontend newbie, and I built my first [blog](https://kaminarios.github.io/posts/first-blog) by learning from your blog. Actually, I copy some code from you like...

I tried it in Vue(packaged by Vite) and the same error shows up. I think the problem is that Asciidoctor.js is not compatible with Vite.

A simple and safe way to do this is to add one line here: ``` [target.'cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))'.dependencies] pollster = "0.2" wgpu = { version = "0.12", features = ["webgl"]}...

> 最优匹配(best fit)策略的思路也很简单:选择最接近需求方请求大小的块,从而尽量避免空间浪费。也是把空闲空间基于地址顺序组织为大小不一的空闲块列表。当需求方需要大小为n的空闲块时,遍历整个空闲列表,找到足够大且二者空间大小差距最小的空闲块。其代价是时间,即需要遍历一次空闲列表,找到最合适的空闲块。而且还有可能造成空间的浪费,因为可能产生很多小的空闲碎片,虽然碎片容量的总和比较大,当无法满足内存分配请求。 最後應爲:“但無法滿足......"

如何量化程序访问的速度呢?如果能知道程序执行过程中的访存命中次数和未命中次数,就可以计算出程序的平均内存访问时间: ``` AvgTime = ( Tm * Phit ) + ( Ts * Pmiss ) / ( Phit + Pmiss ) ``` 應爲 ``` AvgTime = (( Tm * Phit...