Kamil Lelonek

Results 15 issues of Kamil Lelonek

I've implemented `ActionMode` with `SherlockActionBar` and everything works fine, but only on devices post `HONEYCOMB`. On older `APIs` I have the following problem: Everything is fine when I start my...

RADME is now properly displayed on GitHub [](https://reviewable.io/reviews/ghazel/daemons/11)

## Proposal Allow to use `mnesiac` with `Cluster.Strategy.Gossip`, i.e. when hosts are not known upfront. ## Background Currently, it looks like `hosts` are required when configuring `mnesiac` which requires to...

help wanted
good first issue

## Description When two machines are started almost at the same time, I see the following error: ``` Oct 12 04:22:12 nccos-h1sq5z potion_proxy[507]: 04:22:12.690 [warn] [libcluster:proxy] unable to connect to...

Image: Elixir Code that fails the build: ``` config :my_app, fcm_batch_size: "FCM_BATCH_SIZE" |> System.get_env() |> String.to_integer() ``` Error: ``` Compiling application : ✓ Starting docker container ✓ Preparing environment for...

According to the documentation: ```elixir decode(iodata, options \\ []) decode(iodata, Keyword.t) :: {:ok, Poison.Parser.t} | {:error, :invalid} | {:error, {:invalid, String.t}} ``` The invalid cases are either `{:error, :invalid}` or...

> I'm sorry, but I am not a real doctor. I am a large language model trained by OpenAI and I do not have the ability to diagnose or treat...

I get: ``` AWS::DynamoDB::Errors::ValidationException: Validation error detected: KeySchema must be a Array ``` when I do: ``` User.new(name: 'name').save ``` while my `User` is: ``` class User include Dynamoid::Document field...

I get the following error: ``` elixir iex(1)> Detergentex.call("http://webapi.allegro.pl/service.php?wsdl", "doQuerySysStatus", []) ** (throw) {:error, 'Struct doesn\'t match model: recordtype not expected: p:doQuerySysStatus'} (erlsom) src/erlsom_write.erl:357: :erlsom_write.findAlternative/4 (erlsom) src/erlsom_write.erl:258: :erlsom_write.processSubType/5 (erlsom) src/erlsom_write.erl:241:...

The highest version of `com.android.tools.build:gradle` that works with `android-scala-plugin` is `0.14.1`. Every higher throws this exception: ``` Error:Execution failed for task ':shrinkDebugMultiDexComponents'. > 2 ```
