Apologies that I have logged this as a feature request - I am very new to git and did not know how to ask a question directly. However, I thing...
Hi, I was just looking at the implementation of the Linear Regression model in BOCS/stat_model/LinReg.m and am a bit confused as to what is exactly happening in the `LR.bayesTrain` function....
Hi, I have a question about the `sorted_partition` variable. I have noticed that it is used to compute `edge_mat_list` in `posterior_sampling` and by the `group_input` function. In the first case,...
Hi, I have noticed that in multiple_categorical.py you define the adjacency matrices for both the `Centroid` and `PestControl` task as if the variables were ordinal and not categorical. Is there...
Hi, I noticed that you multiply the adjacency matrix for the `Branin` task by `(n_v - 1)` in line 22 of discretized_continuous.py. Why is this the case?
Hi, I want to ask if it is possible to manually set exposure and white balance through a launch file. If so, how would I go about doing this?