Would you mind sharing some more information on how you "check" the kernel values and what do you compare them against to choose this scaling constant to improve stability? This...
I have put together this small example that better illustrates what I was referring to in the previous message. In the code below, `n_v` is the number of categories for...
Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. Indeed with your modifications the code is more numerically stable and the problem disappears.
Thank you for your reply. I understand that the intrinsic matrix does not change on the topic itself. My question is weather it should be the same for a raw...
This clarifies a lot for me, thank you. So when calibrating the extrinsics of an RGB camera using rectified images, I would assume that I would also have to use...
Essentially, I am building up a 3D reconstruction of an object. To do so, I need to integrate RGBD images taken from multiple viewpoints around the object into a Truncated...
Thanks for all your help and all these tips. I will try these things tomorrow. Also, just to clarify, factory and manual calibration give the intrinsic parameters and distortion coefficient...
Thanks for the source! From #200 it is very clear that rectification makes lines more straight. Since AprilTag pose estimation relies on template matching, then it explains why it requires...
Thanks a lot! This all makes sense now! I will now rename this question to reflect how our conversation has unfolded so that others can also learn from your answers.