
Results 11 comments of KamiCalcium

> Is the input image contain a single person? This algorithm requires a single person input. And I guess 1024 and 2048 is too large and the errors are about...

> It crops and processes each human separately. > Please read [this line](https://github.com/mks0601/3DMPPE_ROOTNET_RELEASE/blob/a199d50be5b0a9ba348679ad4d010130535a631d/demo/demo.py#L61) Okay, this I understand. But what about this? https://github.com/mks0601/3DMPPE_ROOTNET_RELEASE/blob/a199d50be5b0a9ba348679ad4d010130535a631d/main/config.py#L34 What is this input_size then? Isn't it the...

> Please read the instructions carefully. [here](https://github.com/mks0601/3DMPPE_ROOTNET_RELEASE#quick-demo). > It also crops and processes each human separately. I read it again but I only see this description about the input_size for...

> The instruction of Quick demo says `Set bbox_list at here.` OK, this is pretty clear to me and I already set the individual bbox in the bbox_list. But in...

> It depends on how your dataset looks like. Could you give me some image examples? Does it contain motion capture studio images? in-the-wild images? synthetic images? Thanks for replying!...

> I see. I think option 1 would be the best one. By the way, is this dataset contain 3D pose annotations? if it contains only 2D, fine-tuning a model...

I actually take a look in each epoch and find the problem: For those loss is nan, I found that not all the loss are nan, there are some samples...

Hi, I figure out the first question myself. By using rostopic command. But for the second question I still don't have a solution, for example, if I set the clutterremoval...

Related to https://github.com/nerfstudio-project/nerfstudio/issues/868#issuecomment-1396326938 as well. Hi @jake-austin, I make a new issue here.

> same question... Did you solve it? My two cents: The terminology distort and undistort are somewhat confusing here. In opencv's [documentation](https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/db/d58/group__calib3d__fisheye.html): There are two steps for fisheye distortion: i)...