Nothing happened after I adjusted the `wShowWindow` property to `SW_MINIMIZE`, and I found something description of `wShowWindow` property in MSDN: If `dwFlags` specifies `STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW`, this member can be any of...
根据题意无从得知传入`rank()`和`count()`的键必定存在于给定数组,故做出了调整,另优化了当等值键过多时的情况 Related to #14
**Describe the bug** 版本:`ktctl_0.3.7_Windows_x86_64` 在Windows环境使用`ktctl connect`命令, 启动完毕,系统显示: ```plaintext All looks good, now you can access to resources in the kubernetes cluster ``` 此时内存占用接近2GB  开启一段时间后,内存占用持续升高:  其间只是开着工具,还未开始本地代码调试等工作 **Log**...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** In our company's internal environment, we use LAN IP to connect to KoP, sometimes we need to proxy this address...
I'm doing some validation in my web application right now, but I found the [document](https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-web-validation/java/) does the validation like this: ```java ValidationHandlerBuilder .create(schemaParser) .pathParameter(Parameters.param("myPathParam", stringSchema())) .queryParameter(Parameters.optionalParam("myQueryParam", intSchema())); ``` The class...
### Description I'm trying to set the upstream host dynamically and unknown in advance like this: remote_uri: /api/data-manage/... then set the host to: data-manage I've tried the proxy-rewrite and the...