yea happening to me too on geizhals.at
hi >How would you integrate the prompt? I know practically nothing about mozilla API. I assumed it was possible to add another column (possibly with max characters or visual cut-off...
I see. thanks for answering me. And for plugging the/a continuation of the project.
thanks. I've already had clicked your username. but thanks
I don't seem to have this issue. I have repeating URL entries with increased 'Visit count' but all have different dates. well the merged database I have, has only been...
@YousufSSyed yea I can confirm I merged an old places.sqlite (places0) with a new one: places1. then I merged my updated places1(places2) that I used for the last couple of...
@YousufSSyed well I don't know what to tell you, your worry is unwarranted when it comes to firefox sync. I run one profile where I sync history with my mobile....
once again: unwarranted fear. you have to make backups anyway. It's not hard to create a batch file to backup upon boot and backup upon shutdown, or if you don't...
oh well that's a shame. well this video was shot on an SSD. well it's quite the difference between 55s and 11s but I guess it is what it is.
Ok I see. but adding via search is very restrictive imho. you won't be able to use 'Match all conditions' either way, thanks for clarifying. if both can be used...