Possibly addressed by @lmajano [PR for symbols-view](https://github.com/atom/symbols-view/pull/224).
@KrunchMuffin Are you using symbols-view v0.117.0? It's not included in the latest stable release of Atom. You can try manually overriding the included package or try [the latest beta](https://atom.io/beta) and...
For what it's worth, you don't need to add it to `package.json`. That's generally a bad idea to change extension code since it will be overwritten when the extension updates....
There are a few reasons to have have different language identifiers for the different syntaxes. Syntax is a key component of how a language is defined, so it makes sense...
Can you please point to documentation on how this path is resolved on the server? If I am going to introduce something for this, I would like to model it...
I see. So this looks like a Lucee-only setting. Can you confirm that `componentpaths` is checked _after_ the `mappings` setting?
Thanks for clarifying how Lucee resolves its settings. I was specifically interested in the order in which path resolution is performed. In other words, how does the setting `componentpaths` affect...
I need more information about what exactly doesn't work. Are there errors on the console? Can you be sure that this extension is causing your issue? It works fine for...
The patterns in `LanguageConfiguration.indentationRules` are what determine this. I was having trouble reproducing this, but then I remembered you're using **Auto Close Tag** with _Sublime Text 3 Mode_. For some...
I've opened Microsoft/vscode#71617 for this.