Darren Sim
Darren Sim
> Related (really, the same) issue: #6166 Hi, do you mind telling me how you circumvent this issue? Trying to see if there's a better solution than mine. For me,...
Hmm... I'm still facing the same issue even after the upgrade. I'm not sure if it might be an electron configuration issue on my end.
My bad. I didn't realise that my version of sveltekit is wrong. It is working now. Thanks for the fix!
I tried the above but it seems like my wakatime is still not being updated? The only time I manage to update it is when I change the link.
> @Muhammadyusuf96 @nemchik @Kalsyc > Could you try changing `Display code time publicly` to `Last 7 Days` at https://wakatime.com/settings/profile? > The wakatime card should then update every 4 hours or...