Kalle Møller
Kalle Møller
@matt852 - I was looking for something like this, my approach was more a way to use the schemas as a normal schema with an url to nautobot. Right now...
I use a "hack" where i populate the default values before parsing, this is of course not so clean, but works great for defaults when these are OS specific ```...
> Interesting. `Sprintf` is a bit clunky though, you have to list every option you have in config struct, in correct order. This could be error-prone. You could use whatever...
I have a Wemos D1 mini, and this is no problem for me ?
I just tested to see how restic uses timezones - and as far as I can see the snapshot return the date in the timezone it was created. These two...
After a few minutes thought - I would say that the usage of local timezone in the show commands might not be the best idea. This is due to how...
@dimejo this was my thought too - but the a more extensive documentation would be needed.. Sin the documentation says the last of the day is kept with keep-day... but...
My first intuition in solving this would change forget to not use UTC but use now() as the stating point. This is due to if you use UTC this would...
My 50 cent would be change it to use UTC all the places, and then enable users to use timezones. That would roughly mean that "power" users with machines all...
Hi. I'm trying to test a setup where the host has two nics, and I want one to be the hosts, and the other to be dedicated for the docker...