Kairui Liu

Results 5 issues of Kairui Liu

I run the `build.sh` on arch linux, and it build failed with log ```bash Checking Paket version (prerelease requested)... Paket.exe 7.2.0-alpha001+e9bb0b5eadeb7124835087319e57df9271f2d449 is up to date. Paket version 7.2.0-alpha001+e9bb0b5eadeb7124835087319e57df9271f2d449 The last...

测试用例 ```ts // @example/patchChildren/TextToArray.js const prevChildren = 'oldChild'; const nextChildren = [h('div', {}, 'A'), h('div', {}, 'B')]; export default { name: 'TextToArray', setup() { const isChange = ref(false); window.isChange =...

- [x] I have read the [FAQ](https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/blob/master/FAQ.md). - [x] I have searched in existing [issues](https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues). **Environment** - OS: ArchLinux Sway (Wayland) - scrcpy version: 2.4 - installation method: AUR -...

Add a system-resize parameter to hand over window resize to the window manager. #4760

### 🧐 问题描述 | Problem description 我希望我的网站默认为英语且不支持语种切换, 于是 1. 按照教程我执行了`pro i18n-remove --locale=en-US --write`, 2. 删除了 `src/locales` 下除了 `en_US.js` `en_US` 之外的文件 在大部分页面可以默认显示英文, 但是似乎与 Pro Component 相关的组件无法修改默认语种 ### 💻 示例代码 | Sample...