
Results 7 comments of Kailegh

> Where did you put this code? I see no reason why it shouldn't work. I created a middleware function that handles where some requests should be redirected ` MIDDLEWARE.append('myapp.apps.OTPEnforceMiddleware')...

I am facing this issue right know, but i do not think that doing `SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = ['admin.E410'] ` is the best way to solve it, is there any other way...

Did you finde out? I am having the same issues, I have a dataset where the number of utterances per speaker is different so I think I need to change...

well i tried removing those 2 lines from my .bashrc and following your instructions, however it gives me an error ./update: line 13: catkin_make_isolated: order not found May it be...

Thanks a lot, now I have been able to make it work. I have tried it with different records I have and I have to say that in a moving...

@haoala meters I think > think@laboshinl What units are distances in? @laboshinl For the error generated in nsh_indoor_outdoor.bag is it possible to make that when it losses odometry it keeps...

> @Kailegh There is no error for me with current version > 60db8c1 Thanks a lot, works perfect now I had an old version sorry. Great work man! Although this...