Kai Spencer
Kai Spencer
I expect some of your custom css is conflicting to cause this issue, can you share a minimal repo to reproduce to see where the issue is
Lane footer override: https://rcdexta.com/react-trello/?path=/story/custom-components--lanefooter https://github.com/rcdexta/react-trello/blob/master/stories/CustomLaneFooter.story.js Can you provide an reproduction of your implementation. @Sam-kroutchi @garimahans15
The lane attribute in the data object for a board can accept a droppable key set to false. see https://rcdexta.com/react-trello/?path=/story/drag-n-drop--restrict-lanes for an example.
Any chance getting this merged. Got a fork with these changes only would be good if they were in the repo.
Ive started a port of the CLI generated app to typescript. Frontend is done and most of the express backend is done. Feel free to use this to get started...
> @lahirumaramba I can confirm this workaround works. "@stripe/firestore-stripe-payments": "^0.0.6", "firebase": "^9.6.6", "next": "12.0.0", "next-transpile-modules": "^9.0.0",
> Hi @KaiSpencer ! > > Thanks! > > First, you should separate the PR between fixing the README and adding tests. > > For testing. It might be better...
> Maybe this should be in "Deployment", but you might note that Cloudflare Pages does not read `wrangler.toml` in production, Remix does. > > https://github.com/remix-run/remix/tree/main/templates/vite-cloudflare#deployment Yeah, I considered if to...
Whilst writing this, I have come across this issue in the dev-server vite plugin. https://github.com/honojs/vite-plugins/issues/92 It does not change how this should be documented, we can carry on the testing...
> @dapi @KaiSpencer - Lane footer does not work. Tried everything but it does not show up. > > `components={{ Card, LaneHeader, AddCardLink: LaneHeaders, NewLaneSection: CustomAddLaneButton, LaneFooter: LaneFooters, }}` Hi...