Kyle H
Kyle H
Is it possible to use something else other than gamescope so I can use this with a Nvidia graphics card. :)
Do you have a separate steamos session? So it goes straight to steam on startup? As making it automatically startup in the desktop environment would make some games start windowed.
I am currently trying to use a opencv frame on the frontend so you can see the image produced by opencv but I'm having problems trying to send a image...
I have been using this code with the generate random noise on the Camera. It works but only when I look at it through cmd. If I go into a...
I have Cmake and Cmake tools installed in visual studio code but I'm having problems trying to link it up with my project so I can use this. I have...
I keep having loads of errors in C++. Is there anyway to get around this? Has anyone been successful using this in their projects? The error I keep receiving is...
I keep getting process exited with code -2 every time I run "nw .", this is just with the template as I haven't changed anything yet.
Hi, I am using to make a C++ application with html frontend and was trying to find a way to hide my html files from the customer. I think...
After payment, nothing happens if I pay for the order while the order has the status Quoted but if I make the order have status Draft, it works just fine...