Kyle H
Kyle H
Hi, the reason why I deleted the comment is because I think the error is caused by something I did, I’m going to try and fix it tomorrow, if it...
I managed to fix VirtualCamera not working in cmd but the problem now is, using your example of streaming has caused this error, this is a brand new project, just...
I made a whole new project and copy and paste the code from the example. All the code is from the example. Here is a screenshot of the code:
Hi, I'm still getting some errors but a lot less: 'StreamProcess::pipeAttributes' uses undefined struct 'SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES' [E:\Users\kaiha\OneDrive\Desktop\New folder - Copy\build\opencv.vcxproj] 'StreamProcess::startupInfo' uses undefined struct 'STARTUPINFOA' [E:\Users\kaiha\OneDrive\Desktop\New folder - Copy\build\opencv.vcxproj] 'StreamProcess::procInfo' uses...
Yeah I did, I'll take a look at the Microsoft documentation and managed to make it work, no more errors! But I'm not quite sure how I would put a...
Hi Madera, I am currently looking for a tray library like this but I'm using C++, how is your fork going?
Ahh okay, thanks for confirming, I did try your branch as well. I'm guessing its because the code would take so much time to upgrade for modern c++? Thanks for...
How do you use your C++ patch? As I may of done it wrong. I still seem to get errors when using the code from the example on the
Thank you so much! Also here are the errors I'm getting: This line in tray.h: .cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO), .fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_DATA, Error: use of designated initializers requires at...
That worked! The only error I have now is: tray_update(&tray); Error: 'tray': illegal use of this type as an expression