Kai Chen

Results 6 issues of Kai Chen

Hi! Thank you for providing this excellent work. Just a simple question. Do you plan to release your config for the dense pose estimation section in your paper? I'm quite...

我在完成assignment 5的过程当中,遇上了如题所述的问题,主要的原因是因为在inference time,word-level LSTM预测得到之后是用character-level LSTM,但是它第一个词的预测结果就是,不知道大家有没有遇到过这个问题,不知道是我写错了还是其本来就是这样,因为一般来说设置成作业的例子应该不会这么涉及到这么多细节的才对

Thanks for your great work! Can I ask you which link exactly you guys get the data from? Is there an official site for the paper list? Thank you!

First of all, thank you so much for providing such great code! I just don't understand some parameters you use in your code, especially in your data augmentation part. Specificly,...

Hi! I have come into a `ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero` error when using your LARS code, which is reported to happen at line 87 of `lars.py`. To fix this,...

Win10 + MiKTeX 2.9 运行`Make.bat`一直会因为会上述的错误所以每次只能像脚本里一样手动 ``` pdflatex + biber + pdflatex * 2 ``` 不知道是我哪里漏下了这个文件嘛,README里面好像也没有提到,谢谢!