Karl Schopmeyer
Karl Schopmeyer
Travis appears to be cutting off the running of tests on all of the free projects now so it would appear that it is time to move the tests on...
When in the interactive mode using click_repl and a command is entered that displays possible completions using python 2.7, and prompt-toolkit > version 2.0 an exception is generated from prompt-toolkit....
If a command consists of general options (i.e. options before the command name), click_repl should support modifying them as part of a repl entered command. Thus, if the command looks...
Issue #3112 describes a problem that occurs in the CI build step when the max version of the build package is set to
Now that we have a queue to hold indications before being passed to the callbacks, the listener can overload thwat queue if indications are received at a rate faster than...
Executing the test_recorder.py outputs 4 log entries but our goal is no extra output from tests. This appears to be specific to a couple of tests but these tests are...
We need another test that defines a class with default values on the properties.
Several sections of this document have not been written At this stage, the proposal would be not to actually write most of these sections but to reference other WBEM documentaiton.
The order of XML element names output by Open Pegasus response to class associators request CLASS NAME element differs between pywbem > 3.5 and older versions of pywbem at least...
Fix several cases where pylint reports possibly-used-before-assignment because a variable was not defined in all if/else if statements but used after the if ... sequnce. Marked as rollback needed since...