K S Iyer
K S Iyer
Apologies for the delay in responding. @pilsnerish I did not run it with DLL flag @todirbg It maybe a while before I am able to try this due to personal...
Thanks for the pointer. Building still fails because it's looking for acfutils and can't find it even though the directory exists.
It doesn't matter. Also, the X-Plane SDK is missing in the code. The README should also reflect this.
Sorry. What I meant is that it doesn't matter to me that the building process doesn't work.
What did you mean by "X-Plane SDK comes with libacfutils"? X-Plane SDK is from Laminar Research. Libacfutils comes from skiselkov. Also, the CMakelists.txt file in this project stops at SDK...
OK. I think it's more accurate/better to say that libacfutils comes with X-Plane SDK.
Sorry. Posted back in my own issue. Also, in your readme, you should remove the qmake reference since it's not in the project.
Hi, I tried to load your binary into X-Plane 12. But it didn't load. The error message in log.txt dlerror:/media/xp12/X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/BetterPushback/lin_x64/BetterPushback.xpl: undefined symbol: lacf_glew_per_thread_ctx
No problem. I just thought you would want to know. I'm not sure that headless linux devices are a problem because in the end, the only way to test the...
It also works on Linux Mint. Thanks @CHH2000day.