Results 17 comments of KJZH001

> upos的cdn大概率都能下载,这个地区cdn以及有些偏向乱码向开头的cdn下载链接貌似不让下载。 建议多点击几次开始按钮,用解析到upos开头的链接下载,若一直没有建议换网络运营商; 我在zjhzjd,用移动网络经常没有upos开头的下载链接,有的概率很少; 用电信网络时upos的开头的下载链接经常有,我同时也在用[脚本](https://greasyfork.org/scripts/415714)优化所给的链接。 那么我感觉可以挂个全局的梯子试试能不能解决 不过更换网络运营商我感觉不是很现实,我们这边有些原因,反正换网是肯定没法说换就换的 然后你给出的脚本我也会去尝试一下,感谢你的答复 最后,我这边的网应该算是联通的,基本上刷出来的下载链接都是那种偏乱码的,尝试过很多次

> 换个别的输出方式, Toast 经常会这样, b 站可能随机给你个不行的 CDN 感谢回复,但是可以麻烦说下怎么修改输出方式吗 我似乎找不到下载视频这个插件的设置 [![QVxC.png](https://img.cdn.loliloli.net/images/2022/09/14/QVxC.png)](https://img.loliloli.moe/image/QVxC)

> 去在线仓库里搜下载视频 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26504152/190915982-91df1de0-1693-445c-aa9c-19e098f85387.png) 经过测试,已经解决 更换为IDM下载视频后功能正常使用,感谢

> > Hello! Seems that this is a problem with google. In my case, I add the following codes during set-up and everything works... > > ``` > !pip uninstall...

Environment Information Google Chrome 97.0.4692.99 (正式版本) (64 位) (cohort: Stable Installs & Version Pins) 修订版本 d740da257583289dbebd2eb37e8668928fac5ead-refs/branch-heads/4692@{#1461} OS Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

> This seems like an incompatibility of Mediapipe on your device specifically. I am unable to reproduce that error on MacOS. > > You could also try other browsers like...

Now I have finished the test But the results are not good On Firefox, once I press the button to start the camera on https://kalidoface.com/, the whole firefox goes into...

I have recently done some other tests I installed firefox on my Android phone and opened https://kalidoface.com/ with it. In live2d mode, the face capture was normal, but it didn't...

At the same time, I noticed that it doesn't seem to work properly on Via Browser, opening it without any authorization request and issuing a message that the camera is...

Could you please reply to me earlier if you have time? It's been ten days.